Community Engaged (CACD)

At Illuminart, we believe in the transformative power of art and culture. Our projects focus on creating positive outcomes for communities by partnering with local government and community organisations. We specialise in developing unique digital art and projection solutions that cater to local cultural, arts, employment, training, and tourism needs.

Since our founding, Illuminart has embedded the principles of Community Arts and Cultural Development (CACD) and sustainability at the core of our mission and vision. CACD involves artists working collaboratively with communities, fostering social change through art and culture. This practice provides a platform for all individuals to express themselves, share their stories, and enhance their cultural knowledge and artistic skills.

CACD projects are community-driven, inclusive, and participatory. They involve art created by, with, and for the community, aiming to activate and develop individuals and communities through artistic and cultural practices. The goal is to facilitate positive change by empowering people to practice culture and strive for quality and excellence within their communities.

Illuminart excels in utilising technology, projection, and digital media to support community-driven projects. We place these tools at the service of the community, ensuring that our work not only meets immediate needs but also leaves a lasting legacy. Through our expertise, we aim to foster a vibrant artistic landscape that benefits everyone involved.

Architectural Storytelling

Illuminart's unique Architectural Storytelling process taps into the heart of a community and extends the legacy of the project well beyond the spectacle itself.

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Cultural Collaborations

A gruop gathers by the fireside at dusk to enjoy the projection light show "Padla Ngalungga Kinipapa, Cooper Creek, Our Country" on the exterior of the Park Headquarters at the Innamincka Regional Reserve.

We're honoured to work with First Nation Elders, community and artists with Aboriginal heritage to collaboratively create cultural projects.

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Placemaking Projects, Working within communities

Illuminart specialises in placemaking projects using advanced projection, lighting, and digital media technologies to create community-driven public art that highlights local stories and heritage.

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