Our Story, Our Voices – the illustrated story of Merredin

A colourful architectural projection showcasing Merredin through our eyes – celebrating Merredin’s unique heritage, local community and honouring the contribution of troops and nurses during the War years. The projected stories were narrated by community members, drawing from Merredin’s history and inspired by the accounts of soldiers, nurses and railway workers across the years.  The narratives are interwoven with unique hidden treasures revealed by the traditional custodians and the local community, to form Merredin’s own unique storytelling projections.

After completing the festival event, illuminart created this digital legacy movie for the Merredin community to use for education and storysharing.

I'm on a high! Really speechless! It's like I actually met my Granny! I'm so proud of her. Thank you.

Jenny Van Der Merwe - descendant of Caroline Bates