Christmas Projection on Adelaide Town Hall

Adelaide City Council’s christmas celebrations for 2015 added a new feature: decorative lighting and imagery enhancing the Town Hall on King William Street in the Adelaide CBD. Running nightly from sunset until midnight (and later on Friday or Saturday nights) the projection featured a series of decorative treatments celebrating Summertime in Adelaide with a sprinkling of seasonal festivity. Being a new feature in Adelaide, passers were surprised to see the stone building more colourfully illuminated and photos have been widely shared in social media.

  • When to see it: Mid Nov 2015 until New years day 2016

    Where to see it: From anywhere along King William Street opposite the Adelaide Town Hall

    When to see it: from dusk until midnight every night, right up to New Years Eve

    What you’ll see: a bundle of colourful fun graphics and decorations celebrating summer and Christmas in the city… Enjoy!

  • Project ID # 1078, 1131