Example Community Contribution Form

This is an example of a community contribution form and is not for a Live project.  

The residents of Shire of Stories are invited to help “grow” a light and projection display that will collectively share community spirit, by contributing artwork and messages of renewal, revitalisation and the return of the birds, flora and fauna to the natural environment.

We ask you to think of something to give to this project – such as a meaningful image, a drawing, a message or piece of video – it is up to you.

We simply ask: please let your contribution be carefully chosen to celebrate renewal, inspire hope and courage, and to remind all of how we are a close knit community who care for each other.

We also ask for you to only contribute items that you have written or made yourself, or for which you have permission to use (to avoid any conflict over copyright).

This upload form allows you to enter your contribution into the collective message of hope and courage being created.

No deadline has currently been set as the date of the projection is as yet to be confirmed.

  • Contribute to Stories in Light using the form below

  • Contribute an image

    - a picture of your words, ideas, thoughts, or drawings ... What brightens your mood?
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 32 MB.
    • Contribute Text

      - Poetry, words, written thoughts... up to 150 words.
    • How do you want to be credited?

      - making sure we know how you want your name to be shown during the projection
    • Contact Information

    • Permission Form

      Please complete this form to participate
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    if you have any issues with this form please call 1300 ILLUMINART (1300 455 864).