Thursday 22 June, 2023
In an exploration of the lesser known local perspectives on the Burke and Wills stories, a unique evening show...
Friday 16 June, 2023
A unique narrated animated learning experience describing The Creation of Pleiades, the Seven Sisters Dreaming...
Tuesday 13 December, 2022
Reflecting on shared belonging to Country and connecting with nature in Adelaide’s Elder Park....
Tuesday 30 August, 2022
An immersive audio/visual experience featuring a curated line-up of four visual artists accompanying four ethe...
A projected sequence of original artworks by First Nations Artist Leanne Tobin, animated into a video loop by ...
Saturday 9 April, 2022
A luminous outdoor gallery that moved the audience from streetscape to laneway and interior through Port Adela...
Friday 11 June, 2021
A world-first stories in light trail combining science fact and future fiction with stargazing....
Saturday 1 May, 2021
Bold stories, edgy and vibrant moving-images transform Sydney’s secret-nooks, sandstone lane-ways and coloni...
Wednesday 4 September, 2019
Team illuminart toured regional SA in a unique coastal odyssey over 2000 kilometres, to share projection art s...
Thursday 11 July, 2019
A step back in time with a dramatic winter’s night vigil telling the tragic story of the wreck of the "Star ...