Thursday, 5 September 2013

It’s a wrap. Luminous Art Trail 2013 thanks all involved.


THE LUMINOUS TRAIL 2013 has wrapped up… a night adventure through illuminated landscapes in Port Adelaide….  and illuminart say THANK YOU to all of the artists and technicians who have been involved, and to the building owners and Port Adelaide Enfield Council who supported the project throughout the SALA festival.

The Luminous Trail used the landscape of Port Adelaide as the gallery, moving the audience from street scape, to laneways and interiors to experience delightful small scale illuminated arts intimately presented with the midwinter darkness as a textured backdrop.

Port Adelaide with its rustic buildings, weather worn stone walls and charming historic facades is a wonderful and mysterious after dark canvas for lighting artists, as it has less light pollution than suburbs full of bright shops and traffic – the ideal place to really enjoy luminous arts.

The Luminous Trail was presented in Port Adelaide as a part of the SALA Festival (2-25 August 2013) and is designed to showcase the diverse and beautiful practise of illuminated artworks and ephemeral art and creative ways of working with light. Artists involved in the event include: “Harry”, Michelle Wegund, Patty Chehade, Steve Glass, Nat Rogers, Penny Campton, Danica Gacesa McLean, Lucy Thurley, Penny Mortimer, Peter Ogrady, Peter Thompson, Vanessa Kalderovskis, Danica Headland, Nick de Rohan, Craig Laurendet, Kathryn Sproul, Neville Cichon, Jasmin McAllister, Sue McKenzie, Mike Retter, Barbara Saberton, Cindi Drennan, Luku Kukuku, Allison Whyatt and many others. Curated / produced by illuminart in partnership with Port Adelaide Enfield Council, supported by Arts SA and other partners.