Gorgeous Tactile Artwork, created by Jill Huber, and mounted on a background of arrangements from the Tactile art workshop. This piece is installed at Eckersleys Art shop in Westfield Penrith.

Monday, 14 May 2012

The first meeting of the Art Group project…

Today the Art Group that will begin running in Penrith on the 28th of May, met for the first time to talk about what the activities would involve, who would attend, the materials to be used and some of the topics of interest.

Cindi and Robyn were joined by five interested people with apologies from a couple of others. The group talked about how the art pieces made, would become part of the projection show in September.

Some of the areas that are exciting to the participants, are to work with an art teacher to show some new techniques and materials. The idea of being able to take an excursion to the River to paint and draw “plein aire” (in the outdoors) is also of great interest. Some logistics to be considered in the outing are the duration, accessibility of the site, transport and permissions from guardians. But overall it seemed like an event to make part of the process.

Topics discussed included the historical changes in Penrith and the way the area has changed, grown and improved.

For more info: https://illuminart.com.au/project/no-boundaries-project/