Saturday, 2 April 2016
This event has now finished!
SA’s projection artists illuminart are coming to Port Pirie to blow up the local arts scene… literally blow it up to SILO size using high powered projectors!
If you’re in Port Pirie and creative, would you like to find out how your writing, visual art, music, culture, history or performance could end up being projected as BIG as a silo?
Illuminart will be holding digital media workshops on 1-3 June, where local creative creative people will be able learn how their images, music and digital video can be brought to life on a MASSIVE scale through projection onto the silos.
Please contact us to register.
If you already know you want to participate, please fill out the form below and you will be emailed the full details as they are arranged, or contact us to find out more.
The workshops, projections and amazing free opportunity of seeing your work up large, is coming to your town as part of PORT TO PORT, a training and creative development project that’s supported by Country Arts SA and Regional Arts Australia and has already had a hugely successful project in Port Lincoln.
This event has now closed!