Wednesday, 15 June 2016
On the first few days of June illuminart team members from Adelaide and Port Lincoln travelled to Port Pirie to share the excitement of projection art with a group of local artists and teachers. Over the course of three days, participants delved into digital media tools and discussed possible storylines to include in future productions.
A highlight of the weekend was a taste of projection onto the Port Pirie Silos, drawing out a crowd of enthused mid-winter spectators.
Kellie Higginbottom, a local artist, said “Workshop director Andy Petrusevies and crew worked to deliver training workshops in digital media and animation in Port Pirie, which were well-received by the local participants and the community that turned out on mass in the cold of night to witness an iconic landmark become the centrepiece of the Port Pirie Port to Port projection taster sharing local heritage in a visually engaging way.
Crowds flocked to Flinders View Park for an evening of artistic celebration as photographs, maps, art-works, theatrical elements and animation, accompanied by musical instrumentation, vocal sounds and story-telling with breath-taking visual effects culminated in a visual spectacular. From conceptualisation to community engagement, graphic production and animation, and post-production, technical set-up, and post-event production evaluation, the work-flow was comprehensive and fostered not only artistic flair within the community but brought people together in celebration of the arts, and opened the door to build capacity while building a platform for the voices. The projection encouraged interaction and fostered a sense of community pride that in-turn attracted families and people of young and old from across the region, and which could be replicated across coastal and inland Australian communities with increased training for visual artist facilitators like myself.”