Saturday, 16 June 2012

New News for No Boundaries: “Light Rhythm Plays” supported by funding from the NSW Government through Arts NSW and Ageing Disability and Home Care.

Interactive... media art generated by drummingLate last week we received news about our Penrith project partnership “No Boundaries” which is exciting and adds another keen element to our interactive media art development.

An extension to the No Boundaries project, called Light Rhythm Plays, is being supported by funding from the NSW Government through Arts NSW and Ageing, Disability and Home Care.

Light Rhythm Plays will build on illuminart’s interactive media arts, to develop new interfaces and applications of audiovisual media in collaboration between  audiovisual artists and DIY innovators with Nordoff-Robbins, a music therapy organisation based in Western Sydney.

Nordoff-Robbins are specialists in using music therapy for social and physical development as well as a form of creative expression; and they offer various programs of music education and play for groups and individuals of varying skill. The partnership with the team at Nordoff-Robbins will help to provide expertise and evaluation of the creative applications of the new media interfaces, to assist with developing accessible tools.

Drumming on a Djembe drumThe projects currently being explored include experimentation with new technology, informed by old ideas. Interactive interfaces to trigger music and image have been explored by Australian and international artists for decades, but new tools have made rapid prototyping and experimentation more accessible, and allows the team and participants a way of playing with and testing out ideas more quickly.

If you have an interest in the Light Rhythm Plays or the No Boundaries project, please make contact with the No Boundaries team.

Light Rhythm Plays will involve modifying music instruments, creating interactive devices, and development of the gestural technology used in illuminart’s “Fractured Heart” interactive light sculpture project, which recently appeared at VIVID festival in NSW.