Monday, 11 October 2021

Cast and Crew and Local voices featured in Our Story, Our Voices

Thanks to everyone in Merredin who was involved in the Our Story, Our Voices project.


STORY VOICES: (Coordinated and voiced by the Repertory Club, Merredin)

Marika Hayden Gran Ada
Stewart Low Charles Hunt
Michelle Gethin Narrator 2
Clayton Murray Mr Frank Angel, First Proprietor of Duff’s Hotel
Bo Der Waal Narrator 1
Chloe Wilcocks Caroline Bates
Archie Gethin A Child of the Pipeliners
Grant Stainer Government Official
Kevin Tengvall Local Official 1
Mal Harper Local Official 2
Blake Jenkins Mr HJ Cooper, First Resident Officer at Merredin Station
Justin Freind Jimmy Mcdonagh, A Railway Worker
Julie Nicoletti Carmel Caridi, A Migrant Daughter
Phoebe Brooker Cafe Chatterbox 8
Deb Tengvall Cafe Chatterbox 4
Darci Corby Cafe Chatterbox 1
Robyn Hutchings Cafe Chatterbox 5
Mal Harper Cafe Chatterbox 6
Debbie Morris Cafe Chatterbox 3
Kirsty Rochford Cafe Chatterbox 2
Samantha Ray Cafe Chatterbox 7
Justine Low A Migrant Farmer’s Daughter
Gemma Dolton A Farmer’s Daughter
Leesa Murray Mary Nicholson, MFX37438
Greg Shea Military Spokesperson
Emma Growden Army Hospital Nurse 4
Kylee Crabb Army Hospital Nurse 2
Anastasia Eastwick Army Hospital Nurse 1
Keely Rutherford Army Hospital Nurse 3
Darrius Sutherland 14 Year Old Boy
Robyn Giraudo Caroline Bates (Granny)
Beth Smith Dance Hall Lass
Louise French Alice Cummins
Heather Giles Community Fundraiser
Roy Butler A Passionate Farmer
Sue Crook A Picnic Lover

Merredin Repertory Club for hosting and managing the Voice Recordings of Merredin residents. 

Community members and organisation for Support and Contributions:
Chloe Flockart
Marika Hayden
Mick Hayden, Njaki Njaki Tours
Carmel Caridi
Gloria Banks
Lillian Armstrong
Laura Cruz
Margaret Krone
Pauline Jackson
Greg Shea
Jim Flockart
Bev Flockart
Pauline Bennett
Lorna Bennett
Grant Bennett
Jenny Van de Mewer
Jan Clune
Ed Gebert
Su Riley
John Tuppen
Liz Kington
Mal Harper
Spike Jones
Roy Butler
Wendy Porter, Merredin Library
Debbie Morris, Merredin Community Resource Centre
Rob Endersbee, Merredin Military Museum
Ross Duffield, Railway Museum
Justin Freind, Cummins Theatre
Robyn McCarthy, Central Wheatbelt Visitor Centre

Illustrations have been based on historic references and photographs, and often have incorporated photos from sources with permission.
Elements of paintings and art have been incorporated into this work with the generous permission of the Merredin Fine Arts Society.
With permission, a number of the photographs in this project have come from the photograph collection of Barbara Hall and Bob Abell.
Images sourced from the collections of the State Library of Western Australia have been reproduced with the permission of the Library Board of Western Australia.

The WA Royal Historical Society
The Water Corporation
National Malleefowl Recovery Team (NMRT)
Merredin Seniors Citizens Centre
Merredin Men’s Shed
Merredin Military Museum
National Library of Australia / Trove
Western Australian Government Railways
WA Museum
Australian War Memorial
Merredin Mercury
Wheatbelt tourism
“The History of the Merredin District”, F.A. Law
“Troops, Trains and Trades – The Wartime Role of the Railways of Western Australia, 1939-1945”, Philippa Rogers
“Nyungar Tradition: glimpses of Aborigines of south-western Australia 1829-1914”, Lois Tilbrook
“The Wells of Explorer Charles Hunt: An assessment of their condition and historical significance as a groundwater resource”, Water Authority of WA
Merredin Photographic Library Catalogue
“That’s Not Rubbish That’s Our Possessions” Zelma Bates / Claydon Bates
“Sport in the Bush” various volumes, compiled by Doug and Warren Jones
Department of Mines Annual Report 1901
“In Defence of Country, Life Stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Servicemen and Women”
“Shire of Merredin: Indigenous Stories” Oral Histories Project, various transcripts
“A piece of string – Stories of the Nungarin District”, Maxine Cornish
“The Locomotive Engine Drivers’, Firemen’s and Cleaners’ Union: A British transplant or home grown product”, Labour History in the New Century , Oliver Bobbie
“OnTrack: Curtin’s Railway Journeys”, John Curtin College of the Arts
“Abandoned Cricket Pitches”, Instagram archive, Les Everett
National Trust Western Australia.
Department of Agriculture WA
Facebook Pages “Merredin Lost and Found” and “Merredin Mutterers”
The Phoenix Merredin Community and Regional News
Heritage Council of Western Australia
Australian Dictionary of Biography
Noongar Boodjar Language Cultural Aboriginal Corporation
Landgate Interactive Maps

Our Story Our Voices was created by illuminart and commissioned by the Shire of Merredin with support of Lotteries West.

For information about the project, visit