Friday, 30 April 2010
I’ll be in Launceston round midday or early arvo on Saturday the 15th May, working on a set up for Landed on Saturday night on the 15th May, and leaving on Sunday arvo of the 16th May. Unfortunately this means I won’t be in town on a weekday as I had planned but it will still be really useful.
Joel Panther who’s my mentee (its moments like these… you need a mentee) is going to be flying over as well so we’ll be able to meet, and work together, for the first time. Hooray, I am looking forward to it and hope we’ll find loads of other opportunities to work together.
As surviving the chills of winter is definitely going to play a part in our activities I expect we’ll be rugged up, caffeinated, and jumping about to keep warm on Saturday 16th. Not sure if we’ll draw a crowd as civic square is hardly night life central of Launceston. We shall keep you posted with our nocturnal adventures.