Port Pirie Railway station bustling with people wearing Victorian clothing in 1910

Friday, 30 June 2023

Port Pirie Railway Station – Re-enactment of waiting for a train in 1910, Winter’s morning

The Port Pirie Railway Museum is being restored and refurbished! With all of the changes, the historic ladies waiting room, ticket windows and parcel office won’t be the same.

Capturing what this location and the society was like in the 1910s, before the building refurbishments happen, is really important for the creation of a meaningful legacy.

To support the National Trust with this vision, on July the 1st 2023 we re-enacted, photographed and filmed different waiting scenarios at the Railway platform.  A fantastic group of people took part in the reenactment, dressing up in a style representative of the factory and smelter workers, children and young adults, waiting room ladies and railway workers of the time period.  Some of our helpers came up from Adelaide and supported with Edwardian/Victorian hair styling.

We provided healthy snacks for everyone involved and everyone has been offered a copy of the finished reenactment scene.

The footage and photos will become part of the museum refurbishment.

What were we wearing in Port Pirie in 1910? Take a look!

Working Men/Smelter Work
Men on an outing
Merchant Seamen and women/wives
Well dressed lady
Mum and Bub
Senior Gent
Factory workers
Family on an outing (1919)
Ladies rowing

#pirienationaltrustmuseum #discoverportpirie #reenactment